Latest News

01 Jun

ADAS Alignment & Electric Vehicle Bay Leeds

Vehicle Bodycare Centre, Leeds, is pleased to announce the recent set up of our brand new ADAS Alignment and dedicated Electric Vehicle bay at our bodyshop site in Leeds. 

Our ever-expanding company in Leeds is again investing in new and important workshop facilities to future proof the ‘One Stop Repair Shop’ objective, especially as it has recognised the need for a facility that can meet the challenges of providing an EV & ADAS workshop in Leeds which is designed for the full range of vehicles including passenger, light commercial and heavy commercial vehicles.

The separate building fabrication, installation of the latest state of the art equipment and required services includes; 

ADAS Equipment: The John Bean Wheel Aligner combined with the latest Advanced Driver Alignment System equipment installation.

Electric & Hybrid Vehicles: Storage for the EV Safe Handling equipment & components required by Jaguar, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz & The Volkswagen Group as specific requirements for handling EV & Hybrid vehicles safely.

EV Safety Equipment mobile workstation: Supplied by Prosol UK Ltd, which enables the necessary EV PPE equipment to be readily available in the dedicated work bay for the company’s qualified IMI Level 3 Electric Vehicle technicians.


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